Hosting the closest of friends in one's Southern home can be a very intimidating experience. Ensuring that even the smallest of dinner parties is impeccably executed may seem a daunting task. Increase the number of guests you welcome into your home to 40 or more and you might need a tranquilizer to accompany that glass of wine that you will be serving. However, the most lavish of gatherings doesn't have to be a stressful event.
For my first hosting tip, I decided to start with the most fundamental "rule" that I follow whether I'm hosting my family of 5 members or a shower with a guest list of over 60 individuals. This rule is Careful Planning. The keys to using this rule properly are organization and dedication.
After deciding which date you will be hosting your gathering, take a moment to look at your schedule and decide how much time you need, in the very least, to plan the event. If you are hosting a few family members you won't need as much prep time as you would if you are having 30 people over for dinner, cocktails and entertainment. My immediate task, after deciding the date and who will be invited, is to decide what the event will entail. What kind of food will be served? Will this be a sit down, 4-course dinner, or will appetizers suffice? What kinds of alcohol will I serve? Should I provide entertainment and does that involve fun party games or a small band? These are just some ideas that you should be thinking of when planning your party. I will delve into these more specific questions in later blog posts.
If I am hosting a special gathering, I like to block out a complete schedule for the week leading up to the event. If you follow this tip, you will be able to keep your normal daily schedule (work, childcare, volunteering, etc...) with little disruption. If you plan on a small dinner party, you may start your week by finalizing your recipes one day, ensure that you have the required amount of serving pieces the next day, shop for the hosting items you lack on day 3, buy groceries for the recipes on day 4, and clean your house and prepare the dishes that do not require immediate attention on the last day. Following this plan, you can wake the morning of your event and tidy the house (lightly vacuum high traffic areas and ensure that everything is in its place) and prepare the final dishes. Trust me, spreading the load of hosting over a week's time reduces stress dramatically.
Keep a notebook or binder with all of the information needed for your event. This can include the guest list, recipes, a grocery list, a to-do list, or whatever you may need to keep you organized. By doing so, all of the information you will need will be found in one location. Furthermore, you can pull out this tool in the future for more party planning reference. I do keep one binder with information for each event I host.
I know this was a broad topic, but I could ramble on and on for days about good Southern hosting techniques. I will cover more specific hosting topics in the future. Until next time...Have a great Southern day!
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